creative projects by Daniel Hardman
No, artistas de Babilonia, sus pinturas no me llaman: por el rojo perfilada, en la sombra amortajada, con matiz de azul, velo de púrpura, su casi-sonrisa casi escondida. No, no me llaman, pues yo la he visto. Y yo la pintaría — albaricoque sí — albaricoque y blanca — luciendo con la timidez de virgen primavera; sonrojándose, riéndose, abriendo a la melosidad del verano y en ternura esperando con la promesa de hueso y de árbol y de albaricoque venidero.
English translation, by the author:
No, artists of Babylon — your paintings do not call me: silhouetted by the red, shrouded in the shadow, with shade of blue, veil of purple, her half-smile halfway hidden. No, they do not call me, for I have seen her. And I would paint her apricot — yes — apricot and white — shining with the shyness of virgin spring; blushing, laughing, opening to the mellowness of Summer and in tenderness waiting with the promise of stone and tree and apricot to come.